Monday, 30 November 2015

Year 3 Objectives W/C 30.11.15


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to know features of a diary
  • to write a diary using emotive language


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to identify fractions of shapes
  • to find fractions of amounts

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Year 4 Objectives WC 30/11/15


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • to know the features of a report
  • to understand the difference between fact and opinion


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • to find lines of symmetry in 2D shapes 
  • to organise and problem solve using data


Monday, 23 November 2015

Year 4 Objectives W/C 23/11/15


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • to find features of a recount
  • to take notes and write a recount


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • to tell the time on digital and analogue clocks
  • to solve problems involving time intervals


Year 3 Objectives W/C 23/11/15


In Year 3 this week, we will be:

  • creating characters for our adventure stories
  • learning about outstanding openers
  • planning and writing our adventure stories in pairs


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

    • how to multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit
    • how to divide using the 'bus stop' method
    • how to solve multiplication and division word problems


    Friday, 20 November 2015

    Year 4 Egyptian Day

    Wow! Our Egyptian day was epic! We made an Egyptian mint dip made from: cucumber, garlic, yoghurt, mint leaves and cumin powder. We made our delicious dip to go with our homemade, golden-brown bread. Meanwhile, we made and tasted a typical coconut milk and cardamon enthused drink. After that, we compared Gods and Goddesses and became Egyptian detectives to find out about different artefacts.

    We then spent the afternoon learning an Egyptian dance to 'Walk like an Egyptian'. Dancing like an Egyptian was lots of fun; however, it used a lot of energy. Whilst being Egyptians for the day, we also had the opportunity to do some different Egyptian arts and crafts.

    Written by Amy (Year 4)

    Tuesday, 17 November 2015

    Year 3 Objectives W/C 16/11/15


    In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

    • the important features of adventure stories.
    • to map adventure stories on a story board.
    • find effective language choices within a text and empathise with a character.


    In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

      • the 24-hour clock.
      • tell the time to 1 minute intervals on an analogue and digital clock.
      • telling the time on a Roman Numeral clock face.
      • time problems.


      Year 4 Objectives W/C 16/11/15


      In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

      • to use their plan to write an adventure story.
      • to build atmosphere and tension using language techniques


      In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

      • to simplify fractions
      • to find fractions of quantities


      Thursday, 12 November 2015

      Energising Electricty!

      This week in science, Year 4 have been learning about debugging circuits! They have used their problem solving skills to work out why a bulb, buzzer or motor may not be working, and have changed the circuit so that the component can be switched on again. They really enjoyed learning about energising electricity!

      Monday, 9 November 2015

      Year 3 Objectives W/C 9/11/15


      In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

      • to consider the use of sound in film and the effect that this has on the viewer or listener.
      • about Foley Artists and how to create appropriate sound to bring a short story to life .


      In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

        • analogue and digital times showing o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.
        • tell the time to 5 minute intervals on an analogue and digital clock.


        Friday, 6 November 2015

        Year 4's Magnificent Projects

        Year 4 have impressed their teachers by putting together incredible projects on Egypt over the half term. The enjoyment of the children when sharing their homework showed just how immensely proud they were of what they had achieved. From detailed maps of Egypt to creating their own mummy, the children have been fantastically creative and have learnt so much through the creation of their projects. Thank you to all the adults who gave a helping hand in the creation of their children's visions! In many cases you have provided  resources as well as expertise.

        Year 4 Objectives W/C 9/11/15


        In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

        • to draft and plan making choices in grammar and vocabulary.
        • to understand that expressive language creates images and atmosphere.


        In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

        • to use column method for short and long multiplication.
        • to use bus stop method for short division.

        Monday, 2 November 2015

        Year 3 Objectives W/C 2/11/15


        In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

        • to know the names of different camera angles and the effects they have on the viewer.
        • using camera angles to guide our written work.


        In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

        • to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.
        • to solve one and two step problems using all four operations.

        Year 4 Objectives W/C 2/11/15


        In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

        • to use adjectives and adjectival phrases to add description.
        • to describe a setting using similes, metaphors and personification.


        In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

        • to add and subtract using compact column method.
        • to subtract using expanded column method.
