On Thursday 28th January, Year 3 were lucky enough to experience a special visit from R & H Services who provide 'hands on' history workshops.
The children learnt about the very early Stone Age people and how they survived. We were able to 'dig' like real archaeologists to find artefacts and discuss them so we could learn more about the past. Thomas of 3KV said "I found the teeth of a wild pig. Some of the teeth wobbled when you touched them because they are so old!" We were also able to touch bones, flint, goat and kangaroo skins in addition to necklaces made out of tiny bones.
Later on, we had a really good go at basket weaving, although some of us found it challenging! We also created some beautifully designed Stone Age clay pots. Poppy of 3KV said "I decorated my pot with the same tool because it had two different ends. One was really pointy and one was really straight."
Lastly, we acted like real Stone Age people... we went hunting for our dinner! We had to work together to collect eggs, attack wild animals and catch fish.
Here are some thoughts about Stone Age Day by children of 3SB...
Stone Age Day was a very good day and we had lots of fun. We took part in many fun activities like hunting a pig and catching a rabbit. My favourite activity was weaving a basket which was a little tricky but I managed it in the end. We also learnt how Stone Age people made bowls and had the chance to make one ourselves. We also had a go at building a Stone Age bivouac. By Mac
Stone Age Day was so much fun. We learnt how Stone Age people made fire by
rubbing a stick against another until it started to glow. When we smelt the stick it smelt of a bonfire.
We built a Stone Age tent out of sticks
and animal skin. To keep the skin soft and help it stay waterproof Stone Age
people smeared the skin with the animal’s brain. Yuk!! By Ruby