Monday, 21 March 2016

Year 4 Weekly Objective Literacy Week WC 21.03.16


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • To write and perform poems in the style of Michael Rosen.


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  •  To interpret data from a range of graphs.
  • To collect and present data in a bar graph.
  • To solve word problems using all four operations


Year 3 Weekly Objectives Literacy Week


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to replace simple, repetitive verbs within a poem with more exciting verbs.
  • to use a poem about 'complaining' to develop letter writing skills.
  • to recite a poem using performance poetry techniques.


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to choose the correct operation to solve addition and subtraction word problems linked to our poems of the week.
  • to revise the grid method through solving multiplication word problems linked to our poems of the week.
  • to use logical thinking to work through an investigation.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Year 3 Music: Good, Better, Best

Over the last term, Miss Vlasic's class have been following a recorder course in their music lessons. Some of our Year 3 pupils had never held a recorder or played an instrument before, so they have made impressive progress. Firstly, they learnt how to hold the recorder and learnt the names of all the different parts. Then, the children learnt how to play the note 'B' and how to read the note on a piece of music. As they improved, Miss Vlasic introduced the note 'A'.

Yannis said "I had never played a recorder before but I have been enjoying it so much my mum bought me one and I have been practising my 'A' and 'B' notes at home."

Arabella said "I was so excited when I found out we were going to learn how to play the recorder, this song has been my favourite to learn because it has a mixture of notes and pauses and we also get to sing."

Veer said "Now I know how to play an instrument, I feel really happy as I know how to play a range of songs, my favourites were 'Shakes and Breaks' and 'Strictly B'."

Miss Vlasic said "I am so proud of my class and how enthusiastic they have been about learning an instrument. It has been a pleasure to watch their progress, to see them all working together and playing in time."

Monday, 14 March 2016

Year 3 Weekly Objectives w.c. 14/3/16


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to understand the difference between statements, questions and exclamations.
  • to independently identify punctuation errors and correct them.


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to multiply 3 digit numbers by 10 and 100.
  • to divide 3 digit numbers by 10 and 100.

Year 4 Weekly Objectives W/C 14/3/16


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • to think about layout when creating an explanation leaflet.
  • to know the different types of conjunctions and where they are used.


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • To find reflections of shapes when presented in different orientations. 
  • To translate shapes within a 2D grid. 


Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Year 3 Weekly Objectives w.c 7.3.16


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to write a traditional myth opening using our own planned character.
  • to write the conflict section of our own myth.
  • to edit and improve our work.


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to interpret data on a bar chart and pictogram.
  • to construct bar charts, pictograms and tally charts. 

Monday, 7 March 2016

Year 4 Maths: The RUCSAC Method

Year 4, have been using the acronym RUCSAC to help them solve one and two step word problems in Maths. Our pupils enjoyed learning a rhyme to help them remember this handy method for breaking down a multi-step maths problem, making it much easier to find the correct solution.

Year 4 Weekly Objectives WC 07.03.16


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • to write a clear explanation of a complex process following correct features.
  • to edit and improve my explanation.


In Year 4 this week, we will be learning:

  • To recognise decimal equivalents of common fractions.
  • To solve measure and money problems involving fractions.
  • To read, write and convert analogue and digital 12 and 24 hour times.


Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Year 3 Weekly Objectives W.C 29/2/16


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to write a myth using descriptive language.
  • to plan a character for an animal myth.
  • to use inverted commas.


In Year 3 this week, we will be learning:

  • to identify horizontal and vertical lines.
  • to identify right angles as properties of shapes.
  • to identify right angles as turns.