All about Triops!
Hi I am Callum key from 4JW, we have a new class pet - they are called triops.
Information about a Triop
Tail: the tail is called a caudal furcula.
Mouth: The mouth is quiet difficult to actually see as most of the time it is hidden
behind a flap called a labrum,but it is there and if you watch your Triop feeding closely you might even see the mandibles and the maxilla all chomping away, mashing the food up making it easy to swallow. ("That was interesting!")
Trunk : The trunk is bendy bit at the back and is used to flip and flop the body around .
Ventral groove: The hollow that runs up the middle of the underside of the Triop and it is along this that the food particles are pushed.
Wow those Triops are interesting!
At the moment they are very tiny but will grow much bigger soon!

Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Monday, 27 February 2017
Year 3 objective WC 27.2.17
In Year 3 this week, we will :
- learn to use subordinate clauses in my writing.
- plan and begin to write an animal myth.
In Year 3 this week, we will :- learn how to give change
- learn to tell the time to the nearest 1 min using Roman Numerals.
Year 4 Weekly Objectives w/c 27/02/17
In Year 4 this week, we will learn:
- To read and discuss poetry;
- To recognise rhyme and rhythm, perform poems and write our own;
- To identify determiners and prepositions in a sentence;
- To spell words with the suffix -ally.
In Year 4 this week, we will learn:- To solve missing number problems.
- To multiply using the formal written method.
- To solve problems using derived multiplication skills.
Friday, 24 February 2017
Year 4 Strength and Stamina
To be a successful gymnast, having both strength and stamina is important. That is why this week in gymnastics Year 4 are working these aspects of their fitness. Year 4 started by moving around the room continuously for 3 minutes, some chose to run, some chose to gallop, and others skipped! This warm up really got their hearts pumping, everyone was out of breath afterwards.
Next the children worked in pairs to balance using each others strength and body weight. They came up with some excellent positions! As you can see, some look pretty difficult to hold!
Beth from 4LC said "I think gymnastics is great because you get to try so many different stretches and balances!"
Friday, 10 February 2017
Year 4 Gymnastics
This term in PE we have been learning how to develop our skills in gymnastics with the fantastic team at 'Premier Sport'. Last week Miss Evie developed a circuit to help with our core strength, which is vital for gymnastics, as well as opportunities to jump using the 6 gymnastics shapes we have learnt.
We have also been learning how to jump from apparatus safely. To do this we adopt a squatting position before we jump and land with bent knees in the same way. After that we stretch up with our arms to show we have finished our jump.
Luke from 4JW is really enjoying his gymnastics lessons
Monday, 6 February 2017
Year 3 Weekly Objectives w.c. 6.2.17
In Year 3 this week, we will :
- plan, write and draft a narrative.
In Year 3 this week, we will learn:- to find fractions of numbers through real life word problems.
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