Monday, 26 June 2017

Year 3 weekly objectives WC 26.6.17


In Year 3 this week, we will : 
  •  compare Roman houses with those of today.
  • design our Roman villa and write descriptions about them


In Year 3 this week, we will :

  • learn to identify horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines of symmetry on 2D shapes.
  • identify perpendicular and parallel lines.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Year 4 Weekly Objectives w/c 19/06/17


In Year 4 this week, we will learn: 
  • To write from a characters perspective. 
  • To read between the lines to understand how characters feel.  


In Year 4 this week, we will learn:

    • To add and subtract fractions by converting to 100ths.
    • To deepen our understanding of geometry. 

    Year 3 Weekly Objectives W.C 19.6.17


    In Year 3 this week, we will : 
    • investigate features of a commentary.
    • write our own Sports commentary.


    In Year 3 this week, we will :

    • write and measure units of length to the nearest cm and mm.
    • learn to read scales of capacity and weight.

    Friday, 16 June 2017

    Year 4 Viking Day

    Battle, blood and gore was the theme of the day as fifty-three Vikings stormed Hacton Primary School screaming their battle cries! The day began with a meeting with a real Viking named Hilde Gunderson. They learnt about where the Vikings came from, why they came to Britain, the battles they fought and their various kings! They learnt about the Viking Gods and how they navigated the seas, as well as learning to play a game which Viking children would have played.

    In the afternoon, Year 4 become Viking warriors! Learning battle cries, how to form shield walls and how to strike down their enermies with axes helped them to realise how powerful the Vikings armies were! They enjoyed learning to move and fight with a shield, using it to block attacks as well as push their enermies back. They also loved learning how to spear wrestle, a game played by Viking children, to build their strength for when they would grow up and battle. 

    After the battles were won, and the gods had been thanked, our Vikings got back on their longships and travelled home! 
    Thank you for all your support with costumes! Year 4 had a brilliant day. 

    Monday, 12 June 2017

    Yr 3 weekly objectives WC 12.6.17


    In Year 3 this week, we will : 
    • use imagery and rhyme to write poems
    • explore the features of a nonsense poem


    In Year 3 this week, we will :

    • learn to add amounts of money.
    • learn to subtract amounts of money in order to give change.
    • practise telling time to the nearest minute.

    Monday, 5 June 2017

    Yr 3 weekly objectives WC 5.6.17


    In Year 3 this week, we will : 
    • explore the features of riddles.
    • write our own riddles


    In Year 3 this week, we will :