Sunday, 31 March 2019

Year 3 weekly objectives 1.4.19


In Year 3 this week, we will be :

  • using our inference skills to answer comprehension questions.
  • using our punctuation and grammar skills to answer questions.


In Year 3 this week, we will be:

  • using our place value skills to compare numbers    
  • using our place value skills to order numbers

Friday, 29 March 2019

Year 4 Weekly Objectives w/c 01/04/19


In Year 4 this week, we will be :
  • writing an explanation text based on Wallace and Gromit's 'Cracking Contraptions';
  • using our reading skills to answer comprehension questions;
  • understanding the difference between nouns and pronouns.


In Year 4 this week, we will be:
  • applying our knowledge of all four operations by answering word problems.    
  • using our mental arithmetic skills to answer questions. 
  • continuing to take 'dummy' tests in the style of the Multiplication Tables Check  (which will be administered in June). 

Notes: This week's swimming lesson (Thursday 4th) is the last one this term. 
PE: outdoors on Tuesday afternoon

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Year 3 weekly objectives 18.03.19


In Year 3 this week, we will be :

  • writing descriptively about a setting 
  • using adjectives, adverbs and different sentence openers. 


In Year 3 this week, we will be:

  • using the inverse operations to answer missing number problems.   
  • using our mental arithmetic skills to answer questions.