Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed a range of activities based on the Vikings. They spent the morning playing a Viking board game, completing a quiz by finding clues around the classroom and they listened to many stories explaining how and where the Vikings travelled from and to. In the afternoon, they learnt about Viking weapons and battles. They even had a mini battle and learnt how to effectively use a 'shield wall'- a form of protection. The children also witnessed weapons being used to slice a melon in two which greatly amused the children whilst creating a mess on the floor.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Viking Day 7/6/16
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed a range of activities based on the Vikings. They spent the morning playing a Viking board game, completing a quiz by finding clues around the classroom and they listened to many stories explaining how and where the Vikings travelled from and to. In the afternoon, they learnt about Viking weapons and battles. They even had a mini battle and learnt how to effectively use a 'shield wall'- a form of protection. The children also witnessed weapons being used to slice a melon in two which greatly amused the children whilst creating a mess on the floor.