In 3KV this week we have spent a great deal of time creating information booklets to provide advice to the current Year 2 pupils. We have also thought carefully about all of the features that are needed.
In our groups we agreed on the following features:
-Front cover
-Contents page
We thoroughly enjoyed writing information about the following aspects of Year 3:
-Homework information and consequences
-Reading and rewards
-School trips
"I wrote a page on 'Consequences' and told all of the Year 2's what happens when behaviour is poor and also what they may face if they do not do their homework or not complete it to a good standard." Jayden
"I really enjoyed working as a team to finish a whole information book. I created the important page on 'Presentation and Expectations' and I gave great advice about how to earn a pen licence as that is something I achieved this year but did have to work extremely hard for." Berrie
"I was elated to share my Year 3 experiences to help the learning of Year 2 pupils so that they don't make any silly mistakes! I wrote a page about 'Reading' and included sub-titles such as 'How to earn reading rewards', 'Guided Reading' and 'Changing your reading book'. Veer
We really hope that you enjoy looking at our texts!